How to Start Blogging in 2023

How and why would you start a blog in 2023 when there has been a steep decline in social media interaction and a sharp increase in 15-second Reels and Tiktok videos?

Don’t get me wrong blogging has seen it’s hay day.

I was on-board back in 2007 without knowing I was involved in this movement. I wrote daily about my family’s journey in what we now understand to be popular parenting blogs (AKA Mom Blog.) From 2007-2013 I was there, connected and communicating with people around the world.

Bloggers were filling the Google algorithm with content at an alarming rate and the world was scooping it up.

Privacy, time constraints & the popularity of Instagram slowed my writing. In 2015, I closed the doors on my blog for good. You can read more about my journey here. It was time to move on.

So what about 2023? Well, here I am again! This time my focus has shifted. My goal is to reach clients and help all the DIY website creators out there. There will always be someone trying to learn how to DIY their Squarespace website, find the perfect local brand photographer, and understand how a logo & proper branding will transform their business. In other words… your audience is out there!

Fun Fact: There are over 64,000 search queries made on Google PER SECOND!

The Difference? People can spot when you’re being authentic and when you are selling something just to make a buck.

Insert — The Kardashians and Influencers of the world.

You can feel it, right? Blogging to help the reach of your business is the difference. Helping your ideal client by giving away free advice and content is the difference. Be kind and helpful.

PS. Understanding basic SEO. Even getting an audit and update through a Squarespace VIP Day is essential to reaching your clients.

Writing an article about your amazing weekend isn’t going to create the traffic. Blogging about topics that your ideal client is looking for is the answer.

Never Underestimate the Power of Pinterest

Pinterest in itself is a search engine and often overlooked. Once your blog post is up and running make sure to toss your image graphic and link your post to Pinterest. Do a little deep dive into the basic SEO of Pinterest and see what happens over time.

— Time Will Tell —

Blogging for Google rank, Pinterest Pins and driving traffic to your website is something that compounds like interest.

  • After 3-6 months of consistent writing you will be in the slow lane driving down the highway and building up courage.

  • After 1-2 years of consistent writing you will be set with a solid traffic source that will hopefully bring in clients and give you authority in your industry.

So here’s to you and me in 2023 building up all the content, sharing all the amazing knowledge and generally rocking the industry 🥂

Seriously who has time to RUN a business like a boss AND design, maintain, learn CSS, and continue to love their business?

Leave it to the Pros…

HELLO 👋 That’s me!


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